OSIA 2020 Drive Assisting Families and Individuals Legally Seeking Asylum  on the US / Mexican Border
to Mar 31

OSIA 2020 Drive Assisting Families and Individuals Legally Seeking Asylum on the US / Mexican Border

  • One Spirit in Action (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

“A change is brought about because ordinary people do extraordinary things.”

― Barack Obama

In July 2018, Team Brownsville was founded by a small group of like-minded educators to offer Humanitarian Assistance to families and individuals legally seeking asylum in the United States

Currently, Team Brownsville organizes the following:

1- Meals at the border serving approximately 1000 people five day a week, while Local churches fill in the other 2 days

2- "Escuelita de la Banqueta" A sidewalk school, to provide basic instruction in English, math, geography and other subjects to the children as they wait.

3- Extensive support to Asylum Seekers at Bus Terminals

Since 2018, their membership and mission has expanded with the help of volunteers and donors from around the globe.

Please join OSIA in our effort to assist in this extraordinary work. Here are 2 simple ways you can help.

Donate: Major credit cards / PayPal / Zelle https://www.teambrownsville.org

Shop and Ship goods donations directly to Team Brownsville - Via our Amazon wish list.


ALL donations must include receipts to be allowed across the border.

Thank you in advance 

One Spirit in Action

Team Brownsville is a tax exempt charitable organization


Team Brownsville

Storage Perfecto

1045 Mexico Blvd.

Brownsville, TX 78520

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The Work of Sacred Activism - A Fearless Experiential Training with OneSpirit in Action.
9:30 AM09:30

The Work of Sacred Activism - A Fearless Experiential Training with OneSpirit in Action.

How do you make a difference and stay awake on the path?

Leaning into discomfort is the work of a Sacred Activist. We are bombarded with one injustice after another on a daily basis, leaving us angry and overwhelmed. In this workshop, we will focus on the following: How can we make a difference in this world? Where do we focus our efforts, and how do we choose an area of focus? How do we stay energized and committed? How do we impact sustainable change, especially when we have only a few hours a week available? When the goal is unity, how do we address injustice without strengthening the division and polarization we are hoping to change?

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MARCH FOR OUR LIVES with One Spirit in Action
9:30 AM09:30

MARCH FOR OUR LIVES with One Spirit in Action

March For Our Lives is a movement dedicated to student-led activism around ending gun violence and the epidemic of mass shootings in our schools today.

Join One Spirit on March 24, we will take to the streets to demand that our safety become a priority.

We are meeting in front of Starbucks on 73rd and Columbus at 9:30am and will proceed from there.

The ENTRANCE to the march will be at the W 72nd Street entering onto Central Park West. We will be marching south. The NYPD will move the entrance up north as needed depending on crowd size (So if you get there later, you make have to go up to 79th). The exact details of the planned route will be discussed at a press conference on the steps of City Hall on Thursday, March 15. This announcement will be led by students.

We are in the process of inviting speakers who have been impacted by gun violence, including a Parkland student. This is not about politics or photo-ops, this is about STUDENTS and all victims of gun violence. We are planning on keeping a tight schedule, and our speakers will go on at 11 AM - so we ask you to begin arriving at 10 AM. We are working with a vendor to have several blocks of sound equipment and screens where possible.

School safety is not a political issue. There cannot be two sides to doing everything in our power to ensure the lives and futures of children who are at risk of dying when they should be learning, playing, and growing. The mission and focus of March For Our Lives is to demand that a comprehensive and effective bill be immediately brought before Congress to address these gun issues. No special interest group, no political agenda is more critical than timely passage of legislation to effectively address the gun violence issues that are rampant in our country.

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